Headlines from Damaris’ notes for the first 6 weeks.
Week 4
Quadrant solos with soundscape. Desert wind. Creates a ‘desolate’ quality. Solos have variations: TR hums ‘this is almost the end’, BD asks for coaching, KK asks for verbal support, LL and EB do slomo walk in separate quads, EL continues themes after coaching BD. Then the end with EB and CK - transform quads into parallel corridors.
Discussion: the system evolves with EB/CK duet. What about length/duration? Director takes responsiblitity. Also sound environment can create an ending.
Also watchers begin to respond to instincts. Do we act on these or restrain ourselves? What is called for? How do we know? A kind of intelligence that can tolerate the back and forth between restraining and following where the system needs to explore.
If we don’t take a bathroom break then perhaps we will get comfortable with the door opening and closing as folks go out/in....preparing for visitors?! The environment isn’t so precious.
Post AUNT discussion: Can revise menu/score after an AUNT is presented from the ‘inside’. Each AUNT can be revised by the creater once, then the AUNT is open to be used by ensemble. What if creator asks that no one touches the AUNT? Not sure. Each AUNT can have costume/props/music. These then may show up again in a different AUNT.
Waiting is an essential value. We are willing to wait til we know what to do. Does waiting cut anxiety?
Are 2 sources of feedback after a AUNT is presented. The voice from inside - those who manifested the AUNT - and the director’s eye.
How can we retrieve material from our shared past? The system doesn’t have to fire into newness all the time. That’s not sustainable. Will burn out. Recycle. Use again. Not have to be clever and original. Can change the AUNT’s costume...give her a new handbag!
Week 5
The Laughter Question: MW-I rarely feel is its real...should I be acting it? BD-coax it along. Support, smaller version, then perhaps becomes genuine. DW-surrender. BD-How do we serve an AUNT when she returns? How do we retrieve material? EL-can it be part of my score/menu to request a feeling or to produce a tension?
The director’s chair: Is open and we wait. Finding our way. If something is blocking the energy find a way to create responsiveness to that! Could we use it as material for an AUNT? Have to sustain our energy. CR-raise our chi.
Could flocking/swarming be part of our warm-up? Go from solos into flocking.
Discussion about being watched, guests, the video camera.
Week 6
Discussion about maintaining form of quadrants and evolving new modes. Feeling ‘fuzzy’. Too many new things at once? Creates ambiguity. If starts to change/evolve/mutate too quickly the system has to re-stablize. How do we do this? How do we re affirm the form we are doing when there is a lot of change?
Request to have a clear space between ending of warm-up, an open space of stillness.
Request for some grid practice - people coming in and going out. Question: could personal warmup practice be on a grid? Would that support this request?
How do we hold the precision of a form and also allow for spontaneous evolution, for ‘deep play’?
After CR’s coaching on entrainment in flocking: Could we do such experiments with the ‘gaze’ of others in the room? What is the connection between coaching and directing?
After CR’s AUNT: CR was coaching throughout. A new way of directing. Would like to wait before following an instruction. Not do it right away. How do we stay with ourselves and also take instructions?
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