Monday 10/29 D/D notes – Damaris
Ensemble: LL, MW, EL absent
Several 1st year visitors and Cynthia
Evening Format:
6:30 – 7:15 Sitting and Personal awareness practice
7:15 – 7:35 Grid work
7:35 – 9:00 AUNTS
9:30 - 10:00 Announcement/Discussion
Garbage Musings
BD introduces the “musing stool”, it can be used at anytime, a person sits on it and muses or monologues about a particular subject.
Barbara’s Garbage Musings Menu, Erika, Tyler, Damaris, Katharine
Herd swarm /flock while BD muses about garbage
BD requests that someone coaches
Damaris’ Wholesome Aunts with Bonnets Menu, Erika, Cara, Bobby, Christa
Three people and Cara- pick three gestures on the spot
4 solo quads, use the three gestures, work in the back of your mind with the themes of desolate and delight
Cara in dsl quad talks about her feelings surrounding the word wholesome while putting on prairie costume dress with bonnet
When Cara is dressed and finished talking, she slowly transitions to joining and flocking with USR quad. At the same point the other quads can begin to take influence from each other and then gradually transition to one flock
Once the flock is established music (gene autry home on the range) will play, take 30% influence of music. When song is over so is AUNT
Post AUNT Discussion:
Evolution has a swing back to things we know about. Recycling.
BD interested in the energetic flow using what we know and starting to recycle back.
CR also the fact that it became personal from a performative POV has to do with our history and context, it ups the ante (auntie)
BD Recycle – it’s not that you “do the same thing” it will transform if you let it cultivate
Using our own knots for material, not having to create from anew. Rest in not knowing when anxiety comes – tune into space and see what the story is.
Solo Quads (desert winds Soundscape)
Musing Stool: Katharine muses about her high school summer in Pawtucket; Tyler realizes “I wasted all this time moving when I could have been saying something uncomfortable!”
Post-Quad Discussion:
BD The first time an AUNT is visited it’s raw and complete and celebrated AND there’s a yearning to call back the AUNT. BD invites us to follow that impulse!
CR Can you call an AUNT back as a performer and ask someone to coach you?
BD form, holding form, letting it become fuzzy
KK I think something w/ the grid w-up helped me better keep the quad boundaries, yet have interaction
CR where is development in all this?
BD the culture is developing
KK so, if you are interested in something/you have a thing/you can make an AUNT to explore it?
BD yes, the system is calling for it Developing a culture that simply makes these performances for others and to be un -self-conscious, not lazy and full of subconscious gossip
Tyler & Cara’s All around Sound Menu, Damaris. Tyler, Bobby
Space defined by a smaller red square
Tyler sings his homage to Ethie’s version of a JR Burke song
Bobby is to work with influence and repetition, Damaris with long form retrieval and repetition.
Post AUNT discussion:
CR Satisfying to see long form retrieval, and the heightened quality of listening
BD revisits Tyler & Cara’s All around Sound Menu, Entire ensemble
Tyler sings same song crossing in a slow diagonal usl to dsr
Everyone else lying on their backs equidistance from each other, working with lying down, sitting, imitation. Active w/in your kinisphere, no moving through space.
AUNT ends when Tyler reaches ds corner
Post AUNT discussion:
Kk I could have done it as a practice (that’s sustainability!)
Everyone notes that its simplicity was so satisfying
BD some image of laying AUNTS, so one could make a developmental process where perhaps there are three other events happening around one AUNT. We don’t develop linearly.
Christa’s Evening Retrieval AUNT Menu, Barbara, Bobby, Tyler
Three equi-distant us/ds corridors, all start at us wall
Performers remember the time line of the evening, using retrieval to go back to any gesture, text, movement, and theme. Listen to each other
You can go Up and down in the corridor, but when you reach the very ds the AUNT is over
Post AUNT discussion:
Everyone notes “how nice to be in the “joke” very satisfying way (for performers and gazers) to wrap up the evening- to watch our minds working, we’re in the immediacy of it
No Bobby or Tyler next week
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