Monday 11/12 D/D notes – Damaris
Erika absent
10 visitors
Evening Format:
6:30 – 7:00 Sitting and Personal awareness practice
7:00 – 7:30 Grid work
7:30 – 7:40 Break
7:40 – 9:30 AUNTS and the Gaze
9:30 - 10:00 Housekeeping/Discussion
We specifically did not reflect on the AUNTS after each one in the interest of time…
Barbara’s Desert Quads Menu, Ensemble (Desert Winds Soundscape)
4 squad solos, nothing in quad but solo person, enter only from edge (not from audience), say Beginning and End. If there is text it happens on the musing stool. BD is interested in our conversation about “claustrophobia” surrounding improved text. In this quad if you are talking you are talking into the quads, not to the gaze. Intention is that you could take influence – not being ignorant to the solo, you are responsible to them.
Tyler’s Cedar Feet, Miriam, Cara, Christa flockers, Bobby, Katharine and Eliza on stumps
Tyler calls B, M, E and plays flute from AUNT
3 stumps each in one of three horizontal corridors, 2 standing, 1 lying down, slow mo led by kinesthesia with emphasis on stillness
Flockers always lower or equal to all fours, letting flute music influence them
Ensemble not on stage dip in and out of coach mind ser and what we might change
Cara’s Trash Chute, Entire ensemble
BD muses on trash
All US in a line in parallel corridors. BD will never cross down of middle, everyone else up and down. All work with slow mo, walking and falling, 3 eye practices: direct looking, space btw, closed eyes (even the gaze)
Eliza’s Unearthing Brachiated Square, Damaris, Barbara, Laurie, Christa, Cara? (Shirley Bassey “History Repeating”)
5 corridors in a 6 x 6 square
Throughout the AUNT the square advances ds, within corridors performers are moving forward and backward, staying facing the gaze moving brachiated to low ups and downs, mostly slow-mop influence of other’s timing
Christa’s Sound sculpture chant, Katharine, Damaris, Laurie, Bobby, Miriam
5 people start in tableau, each person finds a tone, once established you can move away from tableau and play with the tone in rhythm, tempo duration, and silence. During the AUNT come together in a new tableau two more times, each time you find a new stillness you can find the new note.
BD’s laughing Butcher Bird, Cara, Damaris, Laurie, Christa, Katharine
5 in a swarm. Feet are always moving in a shuffle half step. March. Always face the gaze (and no smiling) unless you are goose on the back laughing.
Eliza revisits Grooming (grooming two) Damaris & Katharine, Barbara & Cara, Miriam & Laurie
Three couples (each A and B) nourish each other (deep play) by first A’s taking weight/wringing out muscles, the directed by Eliza switching
At Eliza’s direction Christa crossed from usl reading a passage about wasting time from “The Path is the Goal”
No speech, sound OK if it comes out of the tissues
At end one carries or drags the other off
Next week revisit the AUNT list (and a new one from Erika and Miriam).
Old AUNTS may be revisited (the originator may have first dibs).
Barbara expresses interest in unpacking the process of tuning in with delight around how sometimes it takes shorter or longer for an AUNTS group to “understand” the menu.
Keep looking for how it’s going.
At Sunday’s brunch at Cara’s we will determine the schedule for 12/3.
An AUNT being a community event – a party- as in NYC. The “big event” of December 3rd - what does it mean? Are we coming up with an evening menu for the whole event? A marking of the end of the first semester?
When shall we schedule a post 12/3 reflection meeting? Will we stay to talk directly after? (KK can only attend if we do so this way)
IDEAS for 12/3
Maybe for 12/3 we cobble AUNTS together? Let’s look at the menus we have, let’s see what’s made its way into our mythology (tea!)
1. Encourage some monologues/musings about the process
2. Make a menu for the evening, but even during the sequence the director’s chair could be open!
Maybe it would be fun to spend the Monday before (11/26) playing in it?
Put out an invitation announcement and include to BYOCup or 5 cents for a paper cup for tea.
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