Monday 10/15 D/D notes – Damaris
Cara, Erika, Eliza and Laurie out
No visitors
Ensemble: MW, KK, TR, BR. CR. BD, DW
Evening Format:
6:30 – 7:15 Sitting and Personal awareness practice
7:15 – 7:35 Solo Quads (20 min improv)
7:35 – 9:00 Exercises
9:30 - 10:00 Announcement/Discussion
Solo Quads:
In solos quads at the beginning a quad started before Miriam had rolled all the way out of the warm up space and was technically “caught” as being in a solo, yet was in the middle of two spaces…later a prop –cushion was thrown in, and it propelled direct communication.
Calling attention to the form (I didn’t say beginning, did you notice?) within the form, heavy influence.
Dialogue a scene between KK and TR
Differentiate the language
BD The solos quad was all about relationship, yet comfortability in having solos (a foundation to go back to)
MW I found myself feeling fuzzy about the level of strictness in my solo. (not tight enough)
BD We’re you feeling fuzzyness from others?
MW Yeah, I guess, when two were dialoguing I felt that I could not keep in together.
BD If it starts to mutate too quickly, the system has to re-stabilize. When someone comes and holds a square clearly it helps re-establish solo quads form.
KK ‘Cause when we started (Miriam was still rolling slowly out) I thought ‘wow, she’s taking two squares!”
BD How we go about playing in improvisational forms, when do we tighten back into the form of the quad?
KK Personally I want to end w-up and have open space and then have empty space and then go into solo quads.
BD How do we allow for evolution?
MW I am missing the open grid for people to come in and out of if they want to.
BD In this solo quad there was a lot of multi awareness activity with solo quads being held onto and also connection between the individuals in the quads…Look at Miriam’s desire for tighter form and the grid. Watch for the mutation…
KK Yeah, I knew when I was crossing the line
BD Being able to hold two things at the same time.
KK You’re talking about both and?
BD Precision of solo quad, yet allowing the mutation
KK I have a desire to be coached, but at the same time I didn’t allow myself to stay in uncomfortable-ness
Christa leads an exercise in entraining (getting in synch with the dominant energy) that led into flocking work.
Post exercise discussion:
BD Could we do this with the gaze in the room? Also Christa was kind of directing fro within the exercise. Perhaps a step between coaching and directing – the performance and it’s parameters,
KK Had to stay with the moment that felt awkward or shy…but that’s how it is.
BD Tension between surrendering to something else and individuating
CR I noticed that (Bobby) was a free radical in the flocking for some time – highlighted the balance between the group going one way and/or choosing to get in synch with the last member of the group
Christa’s Entraining Flocking Menu, Barbara, Katharine duet speaking, Tyler Damaris duet, no text
Start as a flocking clump with one person at the tip of the clump leading. Exploring breathe, then movement, then energy throughout. Start with a slow tempo and then let tempo evolve. Levels. Influence from duets.
Post AUNT discussion:
BD Christa was giving really specific instruction throughout, very unusual.
KK I would like to be able to hear instructions but not have to do it right away.
BD …and I would like to give instruction and not have it smother where someone is. So that’s a question, how to stay with ourselves and take instruction?
Tea was a great success for us! We now have a tea sign up sheet as a “little job”.
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